
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Beyonce’s Backup Singer Tongue Lashes At The Media For Divorce Rumours

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First it was Beyonce’s lead dancer Ashley Everett, who spilled a little tea on the rumoured troubled marriage, when she gave an interview to Yahoo Insider saying: “I think after a certain amount of time there’s only so much a person can take, but she’s (Beyonce) expressed it through her art and through her music and so I guess that’s her outlet.”

Amid unconfirmed rumors of an impending divorce, another member of Beyonce’s team, is leaking a mouth full in Bey’s defence. Beyonce’s background singer, Tiffany Riddick, took to her Facebook page to lash out at the news media. Tiffany raged at the media for writing irresponsible gossip such as Jay Z cheating on Beyonce with his protege, Rihanna. Read what she wrote below...

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