
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Student Goes Into Coma After Eating Cake Baked With Marijuana


A number of university students have suffered serious side effects after eating a cake made with marijuana. One student is said to have gone into a brief coma after eating the offending cake while 10 others were seriously ill. The students were said to be all male and belonged to the faculty of veterinary sciences.

According to reports: Javier Chivite, a spokesman for Madrid’s emergency services, said two youths were hospitalised early Sunday. He said one of them was comatose and not responding to stimulus when admitted, but later recovered. Jose Dominguez de Posada, dean of Madrid’s Alfonso X University, said the students were all male and aged between 18 and 22 and the most affected was studying veterinary sciences. Chivite say the others were found to be suffering from euphoria, red eyes and irregular heartbeat.Dominguez de Posada said the university campus houses about 12 000 students.

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